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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hello, once again.

Activities outside school-

What are the activities that i am involved outside school. I believe that many of us including myself have at least one activity outside school either tuition, supplementary classes, music, art and even sports. For me, i have one activity that i participated outside school. It is not tuition that many of us attend, but a music class that interest me. For the past years, i have been learning to play the piano. Music has greatly influenced me, and whenever i am free, i would practise my piano skills and and exam pieces so that i would "upgrade" myself. I feel that if have more skills, than when i grow up i would have a better profile and more "higher class" than others. So i would have an advantage. I think it is always better to learn more. I would plan my time well and finish my studies on time and on the other hand, i would have be ready for my piano lessons.
To conclude,
i think that enrolling in activities outside school is always good as it can upgrade us. But also, we must not stress ourselves out and plan our time well.

Mermories On || 8:47 PM

Hello everyone, it has been a long time since i blogged.
The topic for today is "BELIEVING IN YOURSELF"
After watching the clip that Mr Lau played on Friday, i feel that believing in yourself is important. The clip was meaningful to me, but i would not know what would others think of it. Basically, what Mr Lau is trying express is to let the whole class "come to their sense" and start to work hard from today onwards. He explained to us that we must do and not try to succeed and i think that applies to our studies and even the things that we do in our daily lives. I believe that if we are willing to try, we can create a miracle and succeed. So, i will work hard and do my best!

Mermories On || 8:20 PM

Sunday, February 8, 2009

I think the purpose of setting targets in our various subject is to set goals from young so that we will know what is best for ourselves when we grow up. Also, we set targets so that we will work hard to strive and achieve our goals. I think setting targets is very useful(as mentioned above). I think it is very important and we should all set our own targets. So, to achieve our targets, my advise is to work hard from today and do not delay any further. The more you delay, the further you will be from achieving your targets. Our parents has a part to play in motivating and encouraging us. Also, we must motivate ourselves too. Our parents are one of the important factors which motivates us in our lives. But we must not always depend on our parents all the time. We can motivate ourselves by thinking about the results that we can accomplish if we work hard. If there is a will, there is way. So we should all set our targets and start working today!

Mermories On || 9:05 PM

Hi everyone, the topic for today's blog is festivals. What are the festivals that we celebrate? For the Chinese, we celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year which marks the start of a New Year on the lunar calender. Chinese New Year or Spring Festival is the most important of the traditional Chinese holidays. It is often called the Lunar New Year.The festival traditionally begins on the first day of the first month in the Chinese calendar and ends on the 15th.

According to tales and legends, the beginning of Chinese New Year started with the fight against a mythical beast called the Nian or "Year" in Chinese. Nian would come on the first day of New Year to devour livestock, crops, and even villagers, especially children. To protect themselves, the villagers would put food in front of their doors at the beginning of every year. It was believed that after the Nian ate the food they prepared, it wouldn’t attack any more people. One time, people saw that the Nian was scared away by a little child wearing red. The villagers then understood that the Nian was afraid of the color red. Hence, every time when the New Year was about to come, the villagers would hang red lanterns and red spring scrolls on windows and doors. People also used firecrackers to frighten away the Nian. From then on, the Nian never came to the village again.

How is Chinese New Year being celebrated?
The first day of Chinese New Year is a time when families visit the oldest and most senior members of their extended family, usually their parents, grandparents or great-grandparents. Members of the family who are married also give red packets containing cash to junior members of the family, mostly children and teenagers.

The fifteenth day of the new year is celebrated as Yuánxiāo jié (元宵节), otherwise known as Chap Goh Mei in Fujian dialect. Rice dumplings Tangyuan (simplified Chinese: 汤圆; traditional Chinese: 湯圓; pinyin: tāngyuán), a sweet glutinous rice ball brewed in a soup, is eaten this day. Candles are lit outside houses as a way to guide wayward spirits home. This day is celebrated as the Lantern Festival, and families walk the street carrying lighted lanterns.

This day often marks the end of the Chinese New Year festivities.

Other festivals

Hari Raya Aidilfitri is being celebrated by Muslims.The term "Hari Raya" literally means "Day of Celebration" — it is also occasionally used to refer to Eid ul-Adha in the form of "Hari Raya Aidiladha".

Deepavali is being celebrated by Hindus. Diwali (or Deepavali) is a major Hindu holiday, and a significant festival in Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Jainism.[3] Adherents of these faiths celebrate Diwali as the Festival of Lights. They light diyas—cotton-like string wicks inserted in small clay pots filled with coconut oil—to signify victory of good over the evil within an individual.

In my opinion, Racial Harmony Day is being created to serve the purpose of strenghtening stronger bonds between the various blogs in Singapore.

That's all!


Mermories On || 8:26 PM

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Total Defence Day Competition-What will you defend?

Have you ever wonder why do people celebrate Total Defense Day? Have you been curious about it? Well, i shall tell more about it. Each year Total Defence (TD) Day is commemorated on the 15th February. It marks Singapore's fall to the Japanese in 1942. The commemoration of Total Defence Day seeks to remind people of the sufferings endured by our fore fathers during the Japanese Occupation. It is also an occasion to refamiliarise our people with the modern defence strategy of "Total Defence" which Singapore has adopted to ensure our continued survival and security. So, from here, all of us have a very basic idea of why people celebrate Total Defence day.

Look at the logo at the left. This is the Total Defence logo. The five arrows in the logo represent the five aspects of Total Defence: Military, Civil, Economic, Social and Psychological Defence.

Each of these aspects have their own purposes and meanings. Look below.
Psychological Defence is each person's commitment to and confidence in the nation's future.
Social Defence is about people living and working together in harmony and spending time on the interests of the nation and community.
Economic Defence is the government, business and industry organising themselves to support the economy at all times. Individuals contribute by working hard and meeting the challenges of development. Those who continually improve themselves to stay relevant play an even bigger role.
Civil Defence provides for the safety and basic needs of the whole community so that life may go on as normally as possible during emergencies.
Military Defence is having a strong Singapore Armed Forces to deter aggression and protect the country. It also involves citizens doing their part to support the military.
For more information and enquiries, you can visit
Lets go back to our main topic in today's blogging.
Singapore marks 25 years of Total Defence on 15 Feb 2009 by asking everyone in Singapore a simple yet powerful question: What will you defend?
Of course, I will definitely defend all my friends, family and everyone around me. If not for them, i will not know what to do . If not for them, i will not be what i am today. If not for them, i will never be able to taste the feeling of friendship, the love and care shown by others. Because of that, we must definetly play a part and in return, we must do our part in defending them and showing the care and warmth for them. On this note, i will like to say a BIG THANK YOU to all my friends and family and all those who cared for me. THANK YOU so MUCH! Also, we must learn to be grateful, and helpful towards other regardless whether they are our friends or people that are close to us. Of course, everyone has a part to play in defending our homes and country. Because that is where we grow up and where our memories, friends and family are.
As Mr Lau mentioned in his blog earlier, everyone has a role in protecting the Singaporean way of life. Every year on 15 February, the day Singapore fell to the Japanese in 1942, Singapore commemorates Total Defence Day to remind Singaporeans that everyone has a part to play in defending our country. In 2009, we will be commemorating 25 years of Total Defence with a key difference. Instead of suggesting to Singaporeans how they should think about the five aspects of Total Defence, the 2009 Total Defence outreach will revolve around a central question - What will you defend?
What will you defend?
-By Tan Jia Dian P6.9

Mermories On || 8:53 PM

Sunday, January 18, 2009

OUR MISSION- Providing quality education to equip pupils with the values, knowledge and skills for the 21st century

OUR VISION- A school of distinction
Nurturing Future-Ready Citizens of character.

OUR MOTTO- Courage and Sincerity

OUR VALUES- P- Passion for learning
I- Integrity our foundation
E- Excellence in everything we do

These are our school's Mission, Vision, Motto and Values.

Basically, i think that our school's Mission, Vision, Motto and Values are quite good.
I think i belive in the school's mission, vision and values. And that is a "yes". The school's mission, vision and values are created so that the pupil's would follow it. I think we should all follow it espeacially the newer batch of students.

In class, i think teachers can teach and at the same time get to learn the true meanings of the values. That, i think, will be the best.

Mermories On || 8:30 PM

School is back, which means horror has begun!! Not really horror. Adapting the life in school is quite ok, but i find it hard to wake so early in the morning. Anyway, this is the last year i would be spending on primary school! But we will have to say goodbye to our friends. Just spending a week in school, i find that some of the students in the class are really annoying!! I am really feeling uncomfortable. Overall, school is ok for now, but i would not say so for the rest of the year. Sigh...

Mermories On || 8:12 PM

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